Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals are promising materials for classical and quantum light sources due to their efficient photoluminescence (PL) and versatile chemistry. While visible emitters are well-established, excellent (near-infrared) sources are still being pursued. We present the first comprehensive analysis of low-temperature PL from two-dimensional (2D) PbS nanoplatelets (NPLs). Ultrathin 2D PbS NPLs exhibit high crystallinity confirmed by scanning transmission electron microscopy, revealing Moiré patterns in overlapping NPLs. At 4 K, unique PL features are observed in single PbS NPLs, including narrow zero-phonon lines with line widths down to 0.6 meV and a linear degree of polarization up to 90%.
Original articel:
P. Li, L. Biesterfeld, L. F. Klepzig, J. Yang, H. Thoai Ngo, A. Addad, T. N. Rakow, R. Guan, E. P. Rugeramigabo, I. Zaluzhnyy, F. Schreiber, L. Biadala, J. Lauth, M. Zopf: Sub-millielectronvolt Line Widths in Polarized Low-Temperature Photoluminescence of 2D PbS Nanoplatelets, Nano Lett. 2024, 24, 51, 16293–16300
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c04402