On Thursday, 17. July 2014 the first status meeting of the doctoral program Hannover School of Nanotechnology ( hsn ) takes place together with our annual General Assembly.
Participate should please all students of the hsn and all supervisors. The meeting takes place in the LNQE Research Building (Schneiderberg 39, 30167 Hannover) all day starting at 9:00. In the status meeting, the students report in 20 minute presentations about their project, the planned timing and progress, and put it up for discussion. In the afternoon, the General Assembly will take place.
09:00 Greetings
09:00 - 10:30 Session I
- “Nanocrystalline Materials for (Solar) Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”
Speaker: Maryam Jami
Supervisors: D. Bahnemann, J. Caro - “Transport in graphene structures“
Speaker: Johannes Rode
Supervisors: R. Haug, P. Behrens - “Towards relaxed germanium films on off-oriented silicon wafers”
Speaker: Andreas Grimm
Supervisors: T. Wietler, J. Osten
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 Session II
- “Colloidal metal semiconductor heterostructures and their applicability in photocatalysis“
Speaker: Torben Kodanek
Supervisors: J. Caro, D. Dorfs - “Investigations of the photocatalytic behaviour of hematite nanoparticles“
Speaker: Imme Kretschmer
Supervisor: D. Bahnemann
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 – 14:00 Session III
- “Sensing and all optical switching with Surface Plasmon Polaritons“
Speaker: Tobias Birr
Supervisor: B. Chichkov - “Functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles for medical applications in cancer therapy”
Speaker: Katja Seidel
Supervisor: A. Kirschning, F. Renz, N. Malek
14:00 - 14:30 Coffee Break
14:30 Conference Photo
14:30 – 15:30 Session IV
- “Chemisorbed Single Molecules as electronic switches - Project Overview and Status Update”
Speaker: Atasi Chatterjee
Supervisor: H. Pfnür, F. Renz - “Nanocrystalline Electrodeposited Soft Magnetic Layers for Sensor Applications”
Speaker: Brij Mohan Mundotiya
Supervisor: L. Rissing, M. Wurz
15:30 – 16:30 General Assembly