Nano-interfaces for atoms

Leitung: | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ernst M. Rasel, LUH, Institute of Quantum Optics. Co-Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kroker, University of Braunschweig, Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology & Dr. Waldemar Herr, LUH, Institute of Quantum Optics |
Team: | Joseph Muchovo |
Jahr: | 2020 |
Most atom-optics is performed on the scale of wavelength of visible light. The extension to the nano-scale offers interesting perspectives ranging from quantum information and sensing, over condensed matter to fundamental physics such as probing gravity at short distances. Benefiting from our expertise in atom optics and interferometry (Herr/Rasel), in particular with atom-chips, and nano-structured optical elements (Kroker), methods for establishing nano-structured interfaces for atoms will be investigated and explored for the integration on atom-chips to be probed with Bose-Einstein condensates. The ideal candidate is interested in both, the modeling and the experimental implementation of the nano-structured interface on future atom chips to be integrated in a new apparatus.
Figure: Atom-chip featuring nano-structures for cooling