Thursday, the 27 September the NanoDay 2007 of the Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering (LNQE) took place in Hannover/Germany. It was already the third NanoDay of the LNQE. In 13 short talks and one poster session with 50 posters the broad cross sectional area of interdisciplinary research in the fields of nanotechnology was presented. For the first time, a poster award for the best three posters was assigned with friendly support of the Freundeskreis der Universität Hannover e. V. The NanoDay 2007 was attended with about 200 participants in the course of the day as well as the prior NanoDays.
The talks of the NanoDay 2007 can be downloaded as PDF on the website of the LNQE after release of the authors.
The LNQE thanks all participants and contributors for the success of the NanoDay 2007. See you at least at the NanoDay 2008!
Conference photo at afternoon (click here for print version (A4, PDF)).