Transfer rules for the introduction of the new examination regulations for the winter semester 2024/25

From the winter semester 2024/25, there will be new examination regulations for B.Sc. and M.Sc. Nanotechnology. The conversion rules for the introduction of the new examination regulations are as follows:

Please note that the transfer rules will only become valid upon publication of the new examination regulations.


Description of grade overviews for the new examination regulations for winter semester 24/25

Due to the changes in the examination regulations, some of the information in the grade overview must also be changed in accordance with the transfer rules (in particular the number of credits). Since this affects all students at the faculty and involves a great deal of work, the grade overviews can only be changed after a delay. In urgent cases, e.g. for the issuance of a certificate after all services have been provided, the adjustment will be made immediately.

Regulation on subsequent registration for examinations

The examination regulations clearly state that each examination performance must be registered for within the examination registration period for the current semester. Late registration for examinations is generally not granted. Therefore, in your own interest, please ensure that you register for examinations properly and on time. If you are still unsure whether you will take an exam during the registration period (e.g. for second exams, if you do not yet know the result of the first exam), registration is highly recommended. This will not cause you any disadvantages.

If it is not possible for you to register for an exam in the QIS, although the exam is offered according to your knowledge, please write an email to Mr. Flenner from the academic examination office immediately, so that there is no failure on your part to register for the exam and the problem can be solved. Ex: If it is not possible for you to register for the second examination in the QIS, although the examination is offered, one reason may be that the grade of your first examination has not yet been entered. In this case you should additionally consult with the examiner.

Written Exams for Bachelor Students of Nanotechnology

Please find the current dates on the respective pages of the individual subjects.

Written Exams for Master Students of Nanotechnology

Rules governing the hearing procedure

  • For Bachelor students with a total score of 140 LP or higher, the hearing procedure shall be suspended if, in addition,  the topic of the Bachelor thesis has already been issued.
  • For Master students with a total score of 80 LP or higher, the hearing procedure shall be suspended if the topic of the Master thesis has already been issued.
  • For students in the first semester of the Bachelor's and Master's programme in nanotechnology, the hearing procedure shall be suspended. The basis here is that in the first semester, delayed orientation to the program can lead to decreased performance.

Please note that there are separate hearing procedures for the Bachelor's program and for the Master's program. Example: You receive 10LP for bachelor modules and 5LP for master modules in the advanced master studies -> You will receive one hearing notice each for BA and MA studies.

Early master's credits cannot be taken into account for the bachelor's program, as these are not part of their compulsory credits for the bachelor's program.  

Since requirement exams are not reflected on the grade report, you must mention these achievements in the hearing notice. The LP performed will then be fully taken into account for the hearing procedure.

PDF, 22 KB

Applications to the examination board

Applications to the examination board are submitted to the Nanotechnology Program Coordination Office ( The documents are checked and, if complete, forwarded to the examination board, which usually decides on the collected applications on a weekly basis. The decided applications are forwarded to the Academic Examination Office and the decisions are implemented there. Likewise, students receive information about the decision status of their application from the Examination Office. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Flenner at the Academic Examinations Office directly.
The most common ways of applying to the examination board are listed below:

  • Compensation for disadvantages (forms are available from the Central Student Advisory Service; you can also obtain advice here; proof must be enclosed, e.g. certificate of incapacity to take examinations).
  • Recognitions of achievements: Please complete the recognition formin full and submit it signed.
  • Application for extension of the deadline for submission of the final thesis; documents: application and certificate of incapacity for examination, or confirmation of the examiner that working materials or technical equipment were not available. For further information see below.
  • Placement applications (Placement application (here) and grade report)
  • Informal application for change of specialization: Chemistry <-> Physics and Mechanical Engineering <-> Electrical Engineering; Please note: Change only possible once
  • Learning Agreements
  • Inclusion of additional achievements in the grading system; see below for further information.

The application can be submitted digitally (as pdf) or also in paper form. Applications must be signed by you. Please attach directly all other required documents see above to the letter. Please always state your full name, matriculation number, course of study and semester, and use your stud.uni-hannover address

Bringing forward Master's achievements

In principle, you have the opportunity to complete credits from the Master's degree program in Nanotechnology, even if you are only enrolled in the Bachelor's degree program in Nanotechnology.

According to the decision of the Presidential Board, the number of examinations taken in advance may not exceed 6 and the maximum number of credit points earned may not exceed 30. The teacher decides whether they wish to bear the additional workload of an additional examination.

There is no entitlement to early completion of examinations. Early completion of examinations does not constitute an entitlement to admission to the Master's degree program in Nanotechnology.

When enrolling in the Master's degree program in Nanotechnology for the first time, the complete certificates of achievement received for the passed early examinations must be submitted to the Examination Office promptly and unsolicited.

Rules for the registration of theses

Please use the application for admission to a bachelor's or master's thesis (also known as the ‘Laufzettel’) to register your thesis. You can find this at

Bachelor thesis:  or

Master's thesis:

The application form is first completed with the requested personal student data and then signed. It must then be submitted to the examination office of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (‘’). The examination office will check whether the minimum number of credit points for starting the thesis has been reached. A minimum of 120 credit points is required for the bachelor's thesis and 60 credit points for the master's thesis. The total number of credit points is calculated from the sum of the credit points of all completed modules (all required examinations and study achievements according to Appendix 1 of the valid PO must be provided) from the curriculum of the degree programme.

Once the examination office has confirmed that the minimum number of points has been reached, the day on which the (first) examiner issues the topic can be specified on the form, along with further details. This is the start of the six-month processing time for the issued topic, and the deadline for submitting the completed work to the examiner(s) is also automatically set.

Rules for the submission of final theses

With the decision of the Nanotechnology Study Commission of 26.01.2021, the procedure for submitting theses will be digitalised. By submitting a pdf file by email to the supervisor(s) and study programme coordination at the same time, the uniformity of the contents is guaranteed and the deadline is automatically met.

The pdf file must therefore be sent by email by the day of the deadline at the latest.

Prior to the grade determination by the supervisor of the Bachelor's thesis, or the first and second supervisor of the Master's thesis, a print version identical to the pdf file must also be submitted to the supervisor(s). From now on, the programme coordination no longer requires a print version.

The thesis must contain a signed declaration of independence both in the digital version and in the print version.

Note: If the submission is not made by the deadline (day of the deadline until 23:59h), the work is to be graded as ‘failed’. This also applies if the submission was made within the deadline but technical difficulties or delays in transmission occur. It is therefore strongly advised to submit the work with a sufficient time buffer, ideally a few days, in order to receive a confirmation of receipt before the deadline.

Regulations for requesting an extension of the deadline for submitting the final thesis

If you would like to apply for an extension of the deadline for the submission of your thesis due to illness, the submission of a certificate of incapacity for work (yellow certificate) is not sufficient. You need a so-called certificate of incapacity for examination. You can obtain the form here.

Please note: A period of illness of a few days is to be expected in the overall processing period of a thesis and must be taken into account when planning the thesis. The necessity of an extension of the deadline does not arise from this.

In case of unavailability of absolutely necessary facilities, equipment, materials, etc., a certificate of unavailability signed by the initial examiner or supervisor is required.

To apply for an extension, please indicate in an informal letter (by email to the previous deadline for submission, the period of extension according to the certificate of examination unavailability/declaration of non-availability and the resulting new deadline. The application must be signed by you. Only requests submitted before the specified deadline will be processed. A maximum extension of 2 months is allowed for final papers. A request for an extension of the deadline should always be submitted promptly, i.e. no later than 2 weeks after the reasons have ceased to exist.

Regulation on the entry of additional achievements on the certificate

  • The registration of additional achievements is done by submitting an application to the examination board (exclusively in advance of the issuance of the certificate).
  • Only LUH courses in the fields of chemistry, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, or physics may be registered as additional achievements.
  • Courses taken elsewhere, e.g. seminars of the Center for Key Competencies or language courses, cannot be entered as additional work in the grade list.
  • The entry will be limited to a maximum of 3 courses in total.

Degree Programme Advisor

Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Radatz
Programme Coordinator
Appelstraße 11/11a
30167 Hannover
Appelstraße 11/11a
30167 Hannover

For efficient processing of your enquiries, please always state your full name, matriculation number, degree programme and semester, and use their stud.uni-hannover address. If you have questions about the PO or module services, please also state the PO valid for you and the exact module name. In case of urgent inquiries, you are also welcome to mention a telephone number.