NanoDay 2016

The twelfth NanoDay of the LNQE in Hanover

On Thursday 29th September 2016 the annual NanoDay of the Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering took place in Hannover/Germany. In eight lectures and a poster session the latest research results from the interdisciplinary working groups in the field of nanotechnology will be presented. The Poster prizes funded by Leibniz Universitätsgesellschaft e. V. were awarded this year to:

  • Calorimetric Nanosensor for Mercury Detection in Air
    M. Allers
    , S. Lehmann, T. Reinecke and S. Zimmermann
    Institute of Electrical Engineering and Measurement Technology, Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Versatile Fabrication of Voluminous Nanocrystal Superstructures
    Axel Freytag1, Sara Sánchez Paradinas1, Massimo Colombo2, Nadja C. Bigall1
    1 Institut für Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie, Leibniz Universität Hannover
    2 Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
  • Microfabricated ion traps for microwave quantum logic
    M. Wahnschaffe1,2, H. Hahn1,2, G. Zarantonello1,2, J. Morgner1, S. Grondkowski1, T. Dubielzig1, A. Bautista-Salavdor1,2, M. Kohnen1,2 and C. Ospelkaus1,2
    1 Institut für Quantenoptik, Leibniz Universität Hannover
    2 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig

Congratulations and thank you to all lecturers and participants of the NanoDay 2016!

 Conferenzephoto of the NanoDay 2016 (PDF). More photos are here.