The newest analytical instrument in the LNQE clean room is a tactile profilometer, the DektakXT Advanced System (DXT-A) from Bruker.
For many microfabrication projects in the LNQE, accurate and reproducible measurements of step height, layer thickness, depth of structures incorporated into substrates, and characterization of surface quality are critical. The new DektakXT-A expands the capabilities in LNQE research fabrication to include tactile measurements complementary to existing techniques such as atomic force microscopy, confocal microscopy, ellipsometry, etc.
With the new DektakXT-A, step height measurement is possible in the range 1,000 μm down to 10 nanometers with repeatability down to 0.4 nanometers. 3D mappings can be made on a motorized stage with rotatable 200 mm vacuum chuck.
The DektakXT-A is supported by Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers with Flexible Funds (proposal by Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus, Institute of Quantum Optics & Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt). In particular, it will be used for thin-film characterization of ion traps; it is available to all groups of the LNQE. The device description and contact person of the profilometer are listed on the LNQE website at Technology in the LNQE Research Building.