New Members from Physical Chemistry

Nadja Bigall and Dirk Dorfs strengthen the LNQE

The Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering is supported by two new members from physical chemistry, they both explore nanoparticles:

Dr. Nadja Bigall has her research focus on superstructures of nanoparticles (superparamagnetic, plasmonic, semiconducting). This can be hydrogels and aerogels from colloidal nanoparticles or also colloidal supercrystals of nanoparticles. Also, the functionalization and the phase transfer of nanoparticles are studied. Furthermore fultifunctional polymernanobeads are explored.

Dr. Dirk Dorfs is engaged in the fabrication of colloidal nanoparticles (especially semiconductors and metals) and their characterization. Nanoparticles of different shapes and compositions were synthesized and tested for their interactions with other nanoparticles. Moreover, the optical properties of nanoparticles of high interest.

Both lead a working group with office and laboratory space in LNQE Research Building.

Welcome to the LNQE!