Niedersachsen-Technikum 2017

Female high school graduates get informed on nanotechnology in the LNQE

At the beginning of this year''s Niedersachsen-Technikum, the Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Engineering (LNQE) presented nanotechnology at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. In a short lecture and subsequent laboratory tour, guests were given insights into current nanotechnology research at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. Three stations were presented:

  • production of the smallest samples in the clean room
  • synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles
  • Transmission electron microscopy

In the discussion with support of student representatives, the guests were informed about the Bachelor''s and Master''s degree course Nanotechnology.

The Niedersachsen-Technikum is a new concept for the acquisition of the female young specialists in science and business in the so-called MINT subjects. MINT stands for: Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Technology. It is aimed at young women who have just finished high school.

Niedersachsen-Technikum 2017 in the LNQE research building.