Opening Ceremony for Phd-Programme on Nanosensor Technology

Lower Saxony promotes doctoral students with scholarships

The Leibniz Universität Hannover welcomes twelve new doctoral students, who receive funding of € 1,500 per month with Georg Christoph Lichtenberg scholarships in the Hannover School of Nanotechnology: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Smallest Sensors (hsn-sensors). The Hannover School for Nanotechnology is running in cooperation with the Hanover University of Applied Sciences. At the inauguration, media representatives are cordially invited.

When? Wednesday, 8th February 2017, 14 pm
Where?    Laboratorium für Nano- und Quantenengineering, Schneiderberg 39, 30167 Hannover, Foyer, Germany

After greetings from Professor Dr. Volker Epping, President of the Leibniz Universität Hannover, and Professor Dr. Josef von Helden, President of the Hanover University of Applied Sciences, the content of the hsn-sensors program will be presented as well as the scholarship holders. Professor Dr. Andreas Waag from Braunschweig University of Technology holds the ceremonial lecture entitled "Sensing at the nanoscale: from concepts to nanometrology".

The doctoral students of hsn-sensors are concerned with the smallest sensors in the nanometer range. These nanosensors are often based on different measuring principles than conventional sensors, which opens up fascinating possibilities for research and development. Coordinator of the interdisciplinary program in physics, chemistry and engineering is Professor Dr. Rolf Haug, Member of the Board of the Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Engineering.

The scientists are researching in interdisciplinary working groups on an overarching topic. In accordance with the interdisciplinary orientation of this doctoral program, each doctoral student is supervised by two lecturers of different disciplines. Twelve doctoral students are supported by a scholarship, another twelve doctoral students come from the working groups involved. There were 300 applications for the scholarships. The total funding is EUR 800,000 for the period from October 2016 to September 2020.

Note to Editors

For further information, please contact Dr. Fritz Schulze Wischeler, Laboratorium für Nano- und Quantenengineering, by phone at +49 511 762 16014 or by e-eail at