Professor Zimmermann Receives Prize for Excellent Teaching

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Zimmermann

Award for member of the LNQE executive board

At this year''s New Year''s Reception of the Leibniz Universität Hannover on 13.01.2017 the vice president for teaching and studies, Professor Dr. Elfriede Billmann-Mahecha, announced the award winner for the prize for excellent teaching at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. We are particularly pleased that the LNQE board member Professor Dr.-Ing. Stefan Zimmermann from the Institute for Electrical Engineering and Measurement Technology got the award.

Professor Zimmermann holds in particular very large basic lectures in the first semesters with up to 700 students. Here, he succeeds in passing his knowledge on with great professional competence in a relaxed atmosphere.

Congratulations from the LNQE!

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