Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering Leibniz Research Centre Research Projects
From implants and cancer scanners to innovative medications

From implants and cancer scanners to innovative medications


New film outlines the activities of the key research area Biomedical Research and Technology at LUH.

Lifestyle diseases, antibiotic resistance and an ageing society: researchers in the key research area Biomedical Research and Technology at Leibniz University Hannover are working to address many of the challenges currently facing society. A new film shows the wide range of interdisciplinary activities in numerous areas at LUH, from mechanical engineering to the natural sciences and electrical engineering.

Among other things, this research includes the production of blood vessels from human cells, the improvement of hearing aids and cochlear implants, a cutting-edge skin cancer scanner, the development of innovative medications to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and less invasive surgical methods for artificial hip or knee replacements.

The film, which also has English subtitles, is available here:



Source: LUH Online Spotlights from 01/07/2025