The Autumn University (German: Herbstuniversität) invites female pupils of classes 10 to 13, to get to know various courses of study in science and engineering at the Leibniz Universität Hannover within a compact week. On 10/27/2014, the laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering introduced the Nanotechnology.
The program started with a small lecture on nanotechnology and possibilities for study nanotechnology at Leibniz Universität Hannover. Then current research were each presented in small groups in four stations in the labs. In addition, discussions yet offered the opportunity to ask questions of current students of nanotechnology. The four stations at a glance:
- Transmission electron microscope: In this particular microscope, electrons are accelerated with high voltage, and are irradiated through very thin samples, so that the image contains direct information of the inside of the sample. Resolutions in nanometers can be achieved. In crystalline samples, it is even possible to map the arrays of individual atoms.
- Photocatalysis: Very thin layers of titanium dioxide have two effects. Firstly, the formation of drip water is prevented and thus spreads as a thin film over the surface, and secondly organic dirt on the surface is decomposed. By combining the two effects, the surfaces clean almost by itself.
- Optical Lithography: Images of the participants were scaled down using a 10: 1 structure, demonstrating the principle of lithography vividly.
- Nanoparticles: By controlled synthesis, the smallest particles of different composition, size and in particular shape can be produced. Such nanoparticles have a wide variety of applications, for example as a sensor, in medicine or in novel displays as bright dots of color.
The Autumn University 2014 of nanotechnology was very well attended with 25 participants and was a true success. It was so much fun!