Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering Leibniz Research Centre News & Events Online Spotlights
Bachelor study course "Nanotechnology" starts in winter semester 2008/09

Bachelor study course "Nanotechnology" starts in winter semester 2008/09

Study course is made possible through cooperation of different Faculties of Leibniz Universität Hannover.

As from winter semester 2008/2009, the Leibniz Universität Hannover offers the consecutive bachelor and master course "Nanotechnology". The study course is made possible by close cooperation of the faculties Natural Sciences, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Mathematics and Physics. It will qualify students for a field of work which is believed to be the key technology of the 21st Century.

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The term "nanotechnology" (Greek: nanos = dwarf) characterizes the development and use of devices with structures which are in at least one dimension smaller than 100 nanometers - so smaller than ten thousand part of a millimeter. The impact of this technique is that at very small dimensions in materials all-new physical effects arise, which are attributable to quantum mechanics. Research and industrial transfer cause an increasing request on academics with broad interdisciplinary knowledge on nature sciences and engineering.

The alumnae and alumni have good possibilities to get job in various fields of work like semiconductor production, biomedicine technique or basic research on new materials. "The demand on specialists with broad professional studies in nanotechnology and knowledge in the fields of natural end engineering science is enormous!" say physician professor Rolf Haug, speaker of the managing board of the Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering (LNQE) of Leibniz Universität Hannover, which is right now under construction. With this new study course the students are able to gain the interdisciplinary skills focused on the field of work nanotechnology for the first time.

For further information is Dr.-Ing. Christine Ruffert available under telephone +49 (0)511 762 -4034 or E-Mail