First General meeting of the LNQE 2008

Executive board re-elected for a period of 3 years.

On Wednesday 11.06.2008 the first general meeting of the LNQE 2008 took place. The most important agenda items wer

  • Report of the executive board on the events since the last general meeting by Prof. Dr. Rolf Haug
  • LNQE New building:
    • Presentation of the status of planning
    • Large tools: A priority list will be created by a member survey
  • Discussion user concept: Major criteria for the use are scientific content of the research project on the fields of nano and quantum engineering, interdisciplinarity, and network LNQE.
  • Election of the executive board: The acting executive board, consisting of Prof. Caro, Prof. Gatzen, Prof. Haug and Prof. Osten, stand for re-election. All four were voted without vote against an accepted the poll.

The protocol of the general meeting can be downloaded by the work groups of the LNQE in the members area.