On Wednesday 07.06.2006 the second general meeting of the LNQE in 2006 took place. The most importend agenda items were in brief:
Report of the executive board: Prof. H.-Jörg Osten (Speaker of the Executive Board) informed over the events of the last mid-year.
Participation at the Excellence Initiative: Prof. Osten submitted the proposal to the general meeting that the LNQE should apply for a cluster with orientation nanoelectronics. After discussion this proposal was accepted.
Physical planning of the LNQE building: The current status of plans and physical planning for an own LNQE building were presented to the members. After discussing the interior design, the concept as presented was accepted with the labs in particular.
The protocol of the general meeting can be downloaded by the work groups of the LNQE in the members area.