On Wednesday, the 22.04.2009, the first general meeting of the LNQE 2009 took place. The main points of the agenda were:
- Report on the activities of the LNQE since the last general meeting by Prof. Dr. Rolf Haug
- Changes in the membership: Prof. Hardt has accepted a call from the TU Darmstadt, Prof. Kolb is retired. Thus, the number of members of the LNQE is 23 now.
- LNQE-building:
- Report on the planning and construction.
- Use of the fundings for initial setup.
- Sorting and the status of the large-scale equipment on the priority list.
- Operational Concept LNQE building.
- User concept LNQE building.
- Financial / definition of the membership fee 2009: The membership fee for 2009 is 2,000, - euro.
The protocol of the general meeting can be downloaded by the work groups of the LNQE in the members area.