On May the 11th, 2011 was held the annual general meeting of the LNQE. The main agenda items were:
Report on the activities of the LNQE since the last meeting by Prof. Dr. Rolf Haug.
- LNQE-research buildings:
- Report on technical matters.
- State of use: In the research building various large equipment by the LNQE and by the members of LNQE moved in. The research building is (almost) completely filled.
- Team: It was now a six-member team set up.
- Changes in membership: Added Prof. Dr. Andreas Kirschning (Institute of Organic Chemistry), Prof. Dr. Silke Ospelkaus and Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (Institute for Quantum Optics). Resigned is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ludger Overmeyer (Institute of Transport and Automation Technology).
- Report / definition of the membership fee 2011: The membership fee for 2011 was at 2.000, - Euro set. The fee for junior professors, labor leaders and the like is at 1.000, - Euro set.
- Elections to the board:
- The board was elected three years ago for three years, it had therefore to board elections. Prof. Caro takes no longer office; the LNQE thanks him for his commitment and his outstanding work in the LNQE board.
- The general assembly elects Prof. Peter Behrens (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry), Prof. Haug, Prof. Rissing and Prof. Osten unanimously to the board.
The protocol of the general meeting can be downloaded by the work groups of the LNQE in the members area.