On 22 and 23 November 2023, the GMM user groups "Hot Processes and RTP" and "Ion Implantation" were guests at LUH. The Institute of Electronic Materials and Devices (MBE) has been an active member of both user groups for many years and organised this year's meeting in the Royal Stables. GMM is the VDE/VDI Society for Microelectronics, Microsystems and Precision Engineering.
The aim of the user group meetings is an active exchange between representatives from industry and research institutions on the key processes in semiconductor technology. The approximately 45 participants included employees from manufacturers of semiconductor products, e.g. Bosch and Infineon, as well as suppliers, e.g. Centrotherm and Axcelis. In addition to industry participation, there were also participants from large German research institutes, e.g. Fraunhofer IISB and IHP (Frankfurt, Oder).
The Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Engineering (LNQE) was pleased to support the meeting of the GMM user groups with a large laboratory tour through the LNQE research building and in particular to present the research clean room.
We hope everyone enjoyed the tour!