What do scientists at Leibniz University Hannover deal with? What happens behind the doors of research facilities and laboratories? Every two years, facilities and institutes of Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) offer a look behind the scenes - usually in numerous events and hands-on activities at Leibniz University as part of the format "The Night that Creates Knowledge". Due to the pandemic, this year there will be a special kind of Science Month with the November of Science: From November 1 to 14, 2021, many different research areas of LUH will present themselves under the motto "Living Leibniz - Science digital!" with mostly digital events and activities as part of the November of Science of the City of Hannover.
All Leibniz University Hannover events can be found at www.ndw.uni-hannover.de.
The Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering will be present with a short institute tour as a film through the LNQE research building. The technical possibilities for the production and analysis of smallest objects on the nanometer scale are shown.