Digital holography microscopy (DHM) is based on the recording of phase interference images, which are generated by superimposing a reference laser beam with a beam from the same source that penetrates the sample. In contrast to other microscopy methods, DHM is characterised by the fact that it is not the projected image of the object that is recorded, but a digital hologram from which an object image can be reconstructed. This approach allows both precise imaging of complex structures with nanometre resolution and the analysis of dynamic processes, such as vibrations, with frequencies up to the MHz range. DHM makes it possible to analyse a wide range of different samples, from MEMS/NEMS systems to biological cell structures.
The new digital holography microscope is a DHM-R2104 from Lyncée Tec (DHM in reflection configuration with two laser sources). It was procured as a DFG large-scale device by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Julia Körner (Chair of Micro and Nanointegrated Systems) as the main applicant; co-applicants are Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Wurz (Institute of Microproduction Technology) and the Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering at Leibniz University Hannover. The main research areas for which the DHM will be used include the characterisation of micro and nanocantilevers integrated in a new co-resonant sensor concept, dynamic optomechanical systems with applications as gravitational lenses and photonic crystals, as well as dynamic surface changes of smart polymers in the sensor context. The device description and contact person for the equipment are listed on the LNQE website under Technology in LNQE Research Building.