Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering Leibniz Research Centre News & Events Online Spotlights
New DFG Research Training Group for the Study of the Intrinsic Quantum Mechanical Noise

New DFG Research Training Group for the Study of the Intrinsic Quantum Mechanical Noise

About 3.9 million Euros for the promotion of young scientists under the coordination of Professor Oestreich

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved a new Research Training Group "Quantum-mechanical noise in complex systems" at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. Involved are physicists in the fields of solid state physics, gravitational physics and quantum optics. The new graduate program will start on 1 October 2014 with a funding amount of approximately 3.9 million Euros. Spokesman for the graduate program is Prof. Dr. Michael Oestreich from the Institute of Solid State Physics and member of the Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering at the Leibniz Universität Hannover.

The new graduate program will explore the quantum mechanical noise which is intrinsically present in basic physical systems. The research will focus on the noise in low-dimensional quantum mechanical systems, the physics below the standard quantum limit and the noise and correlations in highly complex systems. In addition, the graduate program will focus on the training of excellent young scientists with lectures and training courses.

Congratulations from LNQE!