New Member from Inorganic Chemistry

Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Schaate

Dr. Schaate researches metal-organic frameworks

Dr. Andreas Schaate has joined the LNQE. He habilitates in the Institute for Inorganic Chemistry of the Leibniz University Hannover in the Behrens Group. 

His research focus is on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The two latest publications are interdisciplinary collaborations with the LNQE members Prof. Haug (Solid State Physics) and Prof. Zimmermann (Electrical Engineering):

  • A. Mohmeyer, A. Schaate, B. Brechtken, J. C. Rode, D. P. Warwas, G. Zahn, R. J. Haug, P. Behrens (2018) Delamination and Photochemical Modification of a Novel Two-Dimensional Zr-based MOF, Chem. Eur.J.2018, 24,12848 –12855 DOI: 10.1002/chem.201802189
  • M. Schulz, A. Gehl, J. Schlenkrich, H. A. Schulze, S. Zimmermann, A. Schaate (2018) A Calixarene-based MOF for highly selective NO2 detection, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57,12961 –12965 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201805355

Welcome to the LNQE!