Prof. Dr. Andreas Kirschning’s work is focused on natural product chemistry and techniques of both chemistry and biology, while another main field of research represents the development of enabling methods in organic synthesis with emphasis on microreactor technology.
Main research topics of Prof. Kirschning are:
- Enabling technologies in organic synthesis: Solid-phase assisted synthesis, microreactors, novel immobilization strategies for catalysts, methodology development in organic synthesis.
- Natural product synthesis: Total synthesis and mutasynthesis of biologically active natural products - antiinfectives, antitumor agents etc.; natural products as tools for drug research and finding of biological targets.
In addition Prof. Kirschning is together with Prof. Kalesse founder of the Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ) of the Leibniz University Hannover and currently serves as vice director. By BMWZ will be achieved through a goal-oriented interdisciplinary basic research in collaboration with external partners in the field of clinical and applied research a holistic concept of drug research in Lower Saxony. The research center BMWZ establish in 2011 a research building on Schneiderberg/Hannover, Germany in the immediate neighborhood of LNQE-research building.
Welcome Prof. Kirschning and group members in the LNQE!