Reinforcing the Executive Board

Professor Christian Ospelkaus (quantum optics) and Dr.-Ing. Marc Christopher Wurz (micro production technology) elected to the board.

The Board of LNQE receives double recruitment:

Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus from the Institute for Quantum Optics explores the quantum control of stored ions in terms of quantum information and precision measurements. His group operates laboratories at the University of Hanover and at the PTB in Braunschweig, where Prof. Ospelkaus leads the research unit "Trapped Ion Quantum Engineering".

Dr.-Ing. Marc Christopher Wurz is chief engineer at the Institute for Micro Production Technology. The core competencies of the Institute of micro production technology are in the range of thin-film technology in particular in the micro actuators and microsensors, the fields of mechanical micromachining and - assembly, packaging technology and microtribology. Dr. Wurz takes over the LNQE executive position of Prof. Rissing.