Safety Aspects of Nanotechnology

Cover CIT 3/2017

CIT-Journal reports with a focus issue

The journal "Chemie Ingenieur Technik" (CIT) of the Wiley-VCH-Verlag reports in the latest edition (3/2017) about the environmental and safety aspects of nanotechnology. The CIT-Journal is a specialist body of DECHEMA, the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker and the VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen. The focus issue provides a current overview of the state of nanotoxicology research. Guest editor of this issue is Professor Rolf Haug from the LNQE.

The idea for the focus issue was developed in October 2015 in Hanover due to the great appeal of the "Workshop on Nanosafety and Nanotoxicology (NanoSaTox)". The workshop was organized as part of the LNQE "Hanover School for Nanotechnology" doctoral program to give the doctoral students of the program and interested external guests a differentiated overview of current nanotoxicology research.