On St. Nicholas' Day, Wednesday 06.12.2006 the second general meeting of the LNQE in 2006 took place. The most importend agenda items were in brie
- Report of the executive board: Prof. Rolf Haug (Speaker of the Executive Board) informed over the events of the last mid-year.
- LNQE building: All planning of the new build are in a very advanced state. In 2007 it will be build!
- Study course: The Study course "Nanotechnology" of the LNQE shall be accredited soon.
- Financial report/ determination of the membership fee 2007: The general meeting has set the membership fee for 2007 at 2000 Euro.
- Changes in the memberships: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd-Arno Behrens of the Institute of Metal Forming and Metal Forming Machine Tools (IFUM) and Prof. Dr. Steffen Hardt of the newly founded Institute of Nano- and Micro Process Technology (NMP) are joining.
- Workshops: More workshops are planned to generate large scientific cluster proposals. These aktivities shall be underlined by a larger workshop in Mai-June.
The protocol of the general meeting can be downloaded by the work groups of the LNQE in the members area.