The LNQE grows and grows …

Prof. Wriggers of the Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics newly joins.

The executive board of the LNQE has affiliated Prof. Wriggers of the Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics (ibnm) unanimous into the LNQE. Welcome to Prof. Wriggers and Staff into LNQE, we look forward to working together! With the ibnm is thus a second institute of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science of the University of Hannover represented, whereby the total number of the workgroups in the LNQE increases to 22!

The Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics is concerned with simulation and modelling of mechanical systems. Research areas are currently:

  • biomechanics
  • constitutive modelling of materials
  • contact mechanics
  • finite element algorithms
  • micromechanics
  • multiphysics
  • optimization
  • symbolic approaches in FEM

Prof. Wriggers is leading in a proposal for the installation of a graduate school in the scope of the excellence initiative. The proposal has successfully taken the first barrier of the preselection and is already in the second proposal stage. The theme is Multi-Scale Methods for Interface Coupling ("MUSIC"). We cross fingers for a grant!

For more information on the Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics visit: