NanoDay 2024

The twentieth NanoDay of the LNQE in Hanover

On Monday, September 16, 2024, the annual NanoDay of the Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Engineering in Hanover will take place.

This year the NanoDay celebrates its 20th anniversary!

Due to the anniversary, we have invited external guest speakers for the talks.

There will again be a large poster session with posters from the LNQE's interdisciplinary working groups in the field of nanotechnology.


Prof. Dr-Ing. Holger Blume, Vice President for Research and Transfer, LUH

Guest talks:  

Prof. Dr. Robert Blick, Institute for Nanostructure and Solid State Physics, Universität Hamburg

Nanomembranes: from origami to applications
Prof. Dr. Iordania Constantinou, Institute of Microtechnology, Technische Universität Braunschweig

Tiny tools, big discoveries – Exploring biological frontiers using microsystems

Prof. Dr. Michael Fröba, Institute of Inorganic and Applied Chemistry, Universität Hamburg Nanoconfinement - What happens to water and solutions in small pores?
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kroker, Institute of Semiconductor Technology, Technische Universität Braunschweig Nanophotonics for precision sensing

Prof. Dr. Armando RastelliInstitute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Dr. Sven Reichenberger, Institute of Technical Chemistry I, University of Duisburg-Essen

The Power of Light: Designing Nanomaterials with Pulsed Lasers in Liquids

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael J. Vellekoop, Institute for Microsensors, -actuators and -systems , University of Bremen Implementing aerogels in microfluidic channels