A hybrid system for electron beam lithography and scanning electron microscopy (EBL-SEM) has been installed in the LNQE clean room by the working group of Prof. Dr. Fei Ding (Institute of Solid State Physics) and is now available to the LNQE working groups (contact and conditions of use see below).
The EBL-SEM has a maximum acceleration voltage of 30 kV and uses as an electron emitter a thermal field emission (TFE) Schottky-source. The most important parameters are:
- System type: Pioneer Two from Raith
- Beam current: 5pA – 20 nA, beam size: < 1,6 nm
- Inlens detector, dual-detector for secondary and backscattered electrons
- EDX–detector (Bruker QUANTAX 200) for elements between Z=5 and Z=95
- Nanolithography resolution: 8 nm
- Pattern generator speed: 6 MHz
- Field stitching und overlayer accuracy: 50 nm
- Stage travel range: 50 x 50 x 25 mm
- Stage with 360° rotation und 0 – 90°tilt
- Terms of Use ESL-REM
- Contakt: Mr. Chenxi Ma (Group Ding), c.ma@fkp.uni-hannover.de, +49 511 762 14448