News from the Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering
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Third NanoDay gives insight into latest research of LNQE. Third NanoDay gives insight into latest research of LNQE.
Grundsteinlegung für das Laboratorium für Nano- und Quantenengineering (LNQE) der Leibniz Universität Hannover … Grundsteinlegung für das Laboratorium für Nano- und Quantenengineering …
Workshop des Laboratoriums für Nano- und Quantenengineering zeigt interdisziplinäre Forschung aus der … Workshop des Laboratoriums für Nano- und Quantenengineering zeigt …
The last hurdles of the licensing procedures are taken. The last hurdles of the licensing procedures are taken.
Wissenschaftsrat empfiehlt Förderung des Laboratoriums für Nano- und Quantenengineering (LNQE) Wissenschaftsrat empfiehlt Förderung des Laboratoriums für Nano- und …
The Wissenschaftsrat approves grant of the Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering (LNQE). The Wissenschaftsrat approves grant of the Laboratory of Nano and …
Henceforth we are in the detailed design. Henceforth we are in the detailed design.
Brisk participation of the LNQE work groups. Brisk participation of the LNQE work groups.
Summary of LNQE activities in the second mid-year 2006. Summary of LNQE activities in the second mid-year 2006.
Latest news in PDF format. Latest news in PDF format.
New Speaker of the Executive Board is Prof. Rolf Haug. New Speaker of the Executive Board is Prof. Rolf Haug.
Second NanoDay of the LNQE on nanotechnology. Second NanoDay of the LNQE on nanotechnology.